Monday 30 November 2015

A Cheat Sheet of Common HOMOGENEOUS WORDS

AFFECT, verb, to impress, to change, to injure, to benefit (when so indicated by other words,) to move, to       excite, to pretend or appear. Note. Affect is always a verb, and should never be used as a noun. 
EFFECT, verb, to accomplish, to bring to pass or bring about, to make, to do, to achieve, to execute. 
EFFECT, noun, impression, change, result, state, condition or fact. Note. Effect is, in reality, the noun of Affect. 
EFFECTS, noun, pl., goods, chattels, personal property. 

IN EFFECT,, (parenthetical phrase,) in substance or in reality. 
INTO EFFECT, adverbial phrase, into reality, existence or made operative. Not parenthetical. 
EFFECTIVE, EFFECTUAL, adj., of good effect, serviceable, useful. 

ADVICE, noun, counsel, admonition, intelligence, information. 
ADVICES, noun, plural, information, news. 
ADVISE, verb, to give counsel, information, or intelligence. 

ACCESS, noun, entrance, admission. 
EXCESS, noun, superabundance, too much. 

ADAPT, verb, to fit, to accommodate. 
ADOPT, verb, to accept as one's own, to make one's own. 
ADEPT, noun, one skilled in anything. 

ALL, noun, everything, everybody; adj., every, entire, whole ; Adv., entirely. (Note. When all is compounded with other words the final / is dropped, except in the word allspice. ) 
ALTOGETHER, (one word) Adv., in all, entirely. 
ALL TOGETHER, (two words) Every one or everything in one place. 

ALREADY, (one word) Adv., previously, up to the present time, now. 
ALL READY, (two words) Every one or everything entirely ready or prepared. 

ALMOST, Adv., (one word) nearly. 
ALL MOST, (two words) Everything or everybody excessively. 

ALWAYS, Adv., (one word) continually, ever. 
ALL WAYS, (two words) In all directions. 

AVOID, verb, to shun, to escape from. 
EVADE, verb, to elude, to flee from. (Note. These words are so nearly synonymous that great care must be taken in their use. Avoid means to escape from openly, as we avoid evils. Evade means to shun by deceit or device, as to evade the service of a writ.) 
OBVIATE, verb, to prevent. 

ARK, noun, boat built by Noah. 
ARC, noun, part of a circle, electric light. 
ARCTIC, adj., pertaining to the arctic circle or polar regions; cold. 

ARCH, noun, structure with curved top; adj., chief. 
ARCHER, noun, one who uses bows and arrows. 
ARCHAIC, adj., ancient. 
ARCHED, adj., curved. 

AMATEUR, noun, a lover of music, arts, etc. Not a professional. 
ARMATURE, noun, armament, connection of poles in electrical machines. 

AMENITY, noun, friendliness, affability, congeniality. 
IMMUNITY, noun, freedom from obligation; security. 

ARRAIGN, verb, to indict, to bring to court for trial, to accuse. 
ARRAIGNMENT, noun, act of arraigning. 
ARRANGE, verb, to plan, to prepare, to set or put in order. 
ARRANGEMENT, noun, plan, device, setting in order. 

ABEYANCE, noun, suspense, waiting, pendency. 
OBEYANCE, noun, obedience, compliance. 

ASCENT, noun, climbing, or going up. 
ASSENT, noun, consent, agreement, permission. Verb, to consent. 

ACCEDE, verb, to yield, to acquiesce. 
EXCEED, verb, to go beyond. 

APPRISE, verb, to inform, to acquaint. 
APPRAISE, verb, to value, to set a price. 

ASSISTANT, noun one who assists. 
ASSISTANTS, pl. of assistant. Persons who assist. 
ASSISTANCE, noun, aid, help, relief. 

ACCOMPLISHMENT, noun, something gained, procured or obtained. 
ACCOMPLISHMENTS, noun, pl., polite education, dancing, singing, etc. 

ALLUDE, verb, to refer. Allusive, adj., referring. Allusion, noun, reference. 
ELUDE, verb, to escape, to evade. Elusive, adj., escaping. Elusion, noun, act of escaping. 
ILLUDE, verb, to deceive. Illusive, adj., deceptive. Illusion, noun, deceitful appearance. 

Sunday 29 November 2015

British vs American English

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Tuesday 6 October 2015

Sounds Similar but Different Meanings

Sounds Similar but Different Meanings

Check out 5th, 7th and 20th





















Eating Phobias

List of Eating  Phobias

Thursday 1 October 2015

Stay Tuned for More grammar Posts

How many of them did you know were wrong?